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Trump II. Day 4


How? How the F*$ck did this happen? How has this gutter rat managed to attack women, cheat on them, take away their reproductive rights, and still get another turn in the big chair? How?


He kept classified documents.


He was impeached twice.


He dodged the draft. He had to close his family foundation and was forced to close his “University.” His motto should be MGGA. Make Grift Great Again.


When I think about the 2024 election, my first thought is the need for more education. Many people don’t understand how our government works. They took three years of high school civics and history, but precious little was taught about the USA and the architecture of our republic.


That’s right, a Republic. If I could name everyone who has corrected me since 2016, “We are a democracy, not a republic.”


Over half the country voted for Trump. I would be hard-pressed to assume that all of these people are, in the words of our re-minted criminal president, “Low IQ.”But are they informed? I don’t think I can make that leap.


I look at Trump voters as basically belonging to one of three tribes. Now settle down, all you onomasticians. Trumpers can be a hybrid of one or all of these. Why bother? It’s happening this January, come Hell or high water.


Well, I think my development of diagnostic criteria for Trumpers is in the interests of the public’s health. Call it the DSM-5-TR needed to understand the different “qualities” of the Trumper. Does this development of such a tool suggest that I am somewhat different or a better thinker than a Trumper?


Oh God, I hope so.


The following primer or sorts is helpful in several ways. Imagine you’re invited to a dinner party at the neighbors’ house. The polite milk toast neighbors whose worst neighborhood mistake was leaving their Christmas lights on through February (on purpose), who their pro-Trump lawn sign on November 6th. What should you do? Now, that is a conundrum.


Well, aside from claiming you’ve got COVID-19 when you don’t (completely understand the reasoning), you can avoid potential mind fields by knowing your Trump Tribe.


Tribe One: The Greedy Trumper.

These are the voters who want more. More what? Stuff — just stuff. I would not be surprised if this particular sect did not start mimicking the Pharaohs and having their “stuff” buried with them.These are the Trumpers who proudly say, “I am not voting for Trump. I am voting for his policies.” There is nothing worse than these people. They can rationalize anything. Their myopic perspective of humanity is chilling. Their inability to act when they could have such a positive impact on those in need is part of their psychopathy. They hoard wealth like a squirrel with nuts. On the upside, these are the people who, when you are down and out, will keep you “in their thoughts.”


Tribe Two: The Minority Trumper.

Sub Type A: These are the minorities: the Jews, Gays, Blacks, and Latinos for Trump. I am not sure where these folks come from. The data is clear; under Trump’s previous administration, hate crimes exploded. What are these folks doing? Under Trump, we’ve seen Bibles and Christian ideology taught in our public schools. There is a staggering number of anti-LGBTQ bills in municipalities across the US. If LGBTQ rights go down the same path as Roe v Wade, marriage would be honored state by state and not across the nation. Seriously, what were you people thinking?


Sub Type B: The Jews, Gays, Blacks, and Latinos for Trump who are looking for gain. Do any of us think Herschel Walker was a good candidate? Is Miriam Adelson just a kind philanthropist? Is Peter Thiel a stalwart of LGBTQ advancement and equality? The Atlantic. These folks are in it for themselves or want to push their individual “agendas” on the masses. To their fellow minority members, who paved their way, their “go pound salt” manta is a bitter pill. These people would gladly toss an old lady or a baby off a life raft to get a seat. These people do not go down with the ship.


Tribe Three: The Uninformed Trumper.

The under-educated voter is a marvel. They treat the US Constitution like a Chinese menu: “I’ll take the soup from column A and the garlic chicken from Column C.”


These are also the folks who Google-study the Bible, performing theological vivisections to support their warped Christian identities. There’s nothing like a holy-roller bigot and their positions against women, racial minorities, and LGBTQ people.


Jesus said so - he did not like them sodomites. Well, he said it somewhere. I mean, that is why they hate LGBTQ people, right? Jesus said so.


Let me Google it and follow up in my newsletter. Note to self: send an email quoting Jesus' position on LGBTQ people.


A lot of these people don’t get it, not just because they are woefully ignorant; they compound this lack of knowledge with Fox News, Joe Rogan, and Infowars.


They shore up this ad hoc “education” with a healthy dose of Social Media News. If it’s on both TikTok and Facebook, that’s two sources, so the story must be real.


I wish the Trumper were this easy to classify and understand. It would be like birdwatching, but it is not. It is so much more malignant, and it is just starting. Get ready for more bigotry, greed, and stupidity. It’s coming.


This morning, I read two friends’ posts on Facebook. Both are Trumpers. See what I mean?






















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I’m confused. Doesn’t “Beyond their tolerance” mean intolerant?” Isn’t this what “intolerance” means? What kind of “alternative” fact-based planet does this person live on? Who feels comfortable putting out such a bend message? “Let’s have a discussion about the country we want to live in” without a discussion about those “leading the charge” seems kind of daft.

We need to get this man a history book: “Popular Vote Won—Saving Democracy.”


Yes, this person is old enough to remember GW Bush’s election and Trump's in 2016 and 2020. He voted in both elections. But now, not then, the popular vote will save democracy.




This is the mentality of many Trumpers. Pick and choose according to the direction the wind is blowing. Air out your inner bigot by trying to sound erudite about your intolerance.The claims of voting for Trump’s ideas and policies and not the man has the logic used by a 5-year-old wanting ice cream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It is just hypocrisy.


Garden variety hypocrisy.

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