The Food I Eat: Sandwiches
Sandwiches. Be it the PB&J stuffed in a lunchbox as a kid or the passionate love that Joey Tribbiani had for lunchmeat, a sandwich can be a stand-alone, a take-along, or a meal.
They are a great way to pack on fiber by using whole grain bread, lots of veggies, and condiments like guacamole or hummus, and even with the sandwiches made with mayo, like tuna and egg salads, adding lots of celery, onions, or capers and serving them on a thick bed of lettuce with tomatoes ups the nutritional value.
Sandwiches can also be seasonal, from roasted leftover meats in the fall and winter with soups to light veggie sandwiches in the heat of the summer. And there is nothing like a leftover meatloaf sandwich.
The Sandwiches I Make
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